Be Inspired !

Healing Art

Oscar Basurto Carbonell

-His Spiritual Writings and Art have inspired people all around the world

Mr Basurto is a talented author and Spiritual Healer. He is also an accomplished artist with a great knowledge on the ancient science of techniques and designs of the Sacred Geometry, on the Ancient Symbols and on Healing Energy.
The artist calls it: “Healing Energy”

Mystic Healing Art captures the tenderness and texture of the cosmic energy which is the essential energy of life, better known in the East with the names of Chi, Qi, and Ki.

The focus of his paintings remains based on “Spiritual Healing”

It incorporates the necessary elements that act as intermediary in the order between man and the universe, because this Art grasps, interprets and gives expression to the essential rhythm of the vital synergy of color and elements that represent them, who work as a source of prosperity and constant benefit.

The goal of each art work is to outline the ideal bridge between the infinite universal cosmos, man, and his reality.

The structure of his art is such that the color, which is the main element with the movement, change in depth following the day light or the intensity / brightness of the lighting. The light can change the perception of its character which changes along the day.

The artist was born in Lima, Peru and besides being an outstanding artist, he is also an international lecturer, poet and author of innumerable literary works.

– Be Inspired!